On Knowing When To Rest

"Six days shall you labor..."

Having just finished studying Genesis through Leviticus, it felt apropos to reassess practices in my life which have generated an unhealthy rhythm of work with little rest. Many of us are guilty of doing a thing for much longer than we really should because we feel we must -- this describes me frighteningly accurately. Such (occasionally laudable) diligence must also be examined for traces of idolatry or straight up foolishness, and I've realized that this blog exhibits some of those traits. I do love writing, but with the sheer amount of writing projects on my plate for seminary alone, this blog has become a source of undue stress.

So, rather than do what I have done most often in the past with previous blogs (quietly abandon it), I'm trying to be more consistent in my disposition toward this one. This has been a (not surprisingly) busy semester, and as a result I'm feeling very strongly that I need to pause the blog.

I might continue to post over the course of the semester, but unfortunately my initial plan of every two weeks is not sustainable under the present workload. In the near future I will have preached a few sermons for various occasions, and I'm considering posting one or two of those. Otherwise, it's radio silence for a little bit; at least until I have more time to gather thoughts that don't immediately pertain to an assignment for class.

If you've been following the posts, thanks! If not, feel free to browse the archives (all 6 of them) and enjoy. 

I'll be back.



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