On Life Together
As a (temporary) going away gift, here's a reflection I wrote on Bonhoeffer's book, Life Together : The Christian community, the Church, is created by God in Christ, ordered by the Word of Christ in the gospel, and preserved by the Spirit of Christ against all that would seek its disruption. This is the fundamental point of Bonhoeffer’s Life Together . Christ is the floor and the ceiling (to borrow Gordon Wenham’s metaphor) of Christian communion; he establishes it, and his life is the pattern to which it all conforms. In this way, Bonhoeffer’s understanding of community – indeed, of the Christian life as a whole – is deeply Protestant and properly evangelical (in its grounding in the evangel ). In essence, Life Together answers the question of what happens when sinful human beings are really confronted with and really changed by the Word of God in the gospel. The book could be accurately titled with language Bonhoeffer uses in the first paragraph: li...