Constructio ad Sensum (or, An Explanation of This Blog)

For the third (fourth?) time, I'm starting a blog. Hopefully it'll stick; I think Latin might help.

In all seriousness, this blog is my attempt to make good on a commitment I've made for 2019 and beyond: I would like to write (for fun, even!) more often. This might be an insane time for me to do this, given a busy semester of seminary and a baby boy on the way by the end of said semester, but writing is a skill I want to hone and regular writing deadlines do seem to encourage such honing.

As for the content of this blog, I make no guarantees. I might write about a book I just read, it might be a reflection on some themes I've been picking up on in my life as a seminary student, or it might be some short words before linking to some more interesting post. In any case, I hope the writing that comes from this blog is enjoyable, thought-provoking, or otherwise worth the time you spend reading it.

Grace and peace,


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