On Justification and Sanctification
This is an exam essay I wrote for a class at Covenant Seminary, Christ and Salvation. It was written in about 2hrs and without sources, so please forgive any typos or other minor errors. I. What is justification/sanctification? Justification One of the primary issues in Scripture is the asymmetry between the transcendence of God and the finitude of human beings – exacerbated by humans’ willful rebellion against and disobedience towards God with respect to not only his laws but also his covenantal relationship with us. God does not respond to this problem by utterly destroying humanity; in his grace he makes a way for salvation through Christ our Lord. Justification is defined in the Westminster Shorter Catechism as an act of God’s free grace wherein he pardons our sin and accepts us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, received by faith alone (W...